Silk Peony Rose Bouquet for Home Decor and Weddings
The Silk Peony Rose Bouquet is a luxurious accent for both home decor and weddings, adding elegance and romance to any setting. Crafted from high-quality silk, each bloom boasts intricate details and lifelike beauty, resembling fresh-cut flowers without the fragility. Whether adorning a tabletop, mantelpiece, or bridal bouquet, these silk peonies and roses exude timeless charm and sophistication. Their versatility makes them a stunning choice for weddings, complementing any color scheme or theme with their soft, romantic hues. Elevate your space or special occasion with the beauty of these everlasting blooms, bringing joy and elegance to every moment.
Material: Silk
Type: Rose
Style: Flower
Choice: Yes
Occasion: Wedding
Flower Style: Flower Head
Classification: Artificial Flowers